
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-14-2014, 05:03 AM

There were not many instances in her life that Isi had been anything but light. When she had first realised she was lost there was a small amount of worry then. When she had gotten ill she had convinced herself she was dying and well, no explanations needed as to how worried she was then. When she had seen the sacrifice and believed Katja was a murderer, there was hardly a calm and rational thought process as she ran from Ebony. When she had discovered Raisa was mad, well she had no idea what to do next and that troubled her a little. That was basically the summary of her truly dramatical moments, the few occasions the girl had genuinely worried for a period of time.

"No, Kory wasn't sure that a plant would work either. He thought that some sort of trigger, but a good one would be needed. My only idea has vanished, no one has any idea where he's gone. Man called Vaughan, was one of her best friends. Mind you, if her companion ain't bringing back some decent memories, not sure that'll really work either. Got to be worth a try if I can find him though." Oh look, Raisa's companion had a new nickname now as well. How would the fox take that?