
I Write Sins Not Tragedies


09-14-2014, 01:10 PM

She never knew that this could happen again. The brown female was asleep, barely hearing the rain, when a loud crack made her open her eyes. A tree had fallen, almost on the den, and water soaked her paws. How could they have not realized what was happening? Fear shined in her mismatched eyes as she turned to her brother and her mate. She nudged them, hoping they woke up. "We have to leave, now!" She would stay by them until they woke up. She had to. Nudging her family again, she flinched as water lapped at her legs. If they didn't wake up soon.....No. She couldn't think about that. With a shake of her head, Silveris attempted to nudge the two to their paws. "It's a storm!" She managed to say, leaving the den for a moment, if just to see how bad it was. When she did, she wished she hadn't.

Wind almost pushed her off of her paws, the female wincing again as dirt covered her paws. Several trees were fallen, and there was nothing to take shelter in. Water lapped at her stomach, and she glanced back towards the den. They needed to hurry. The three couldn't stay here. It would be a death wish. Quickly, the female struggled back towards the main land, her fur plastered to her skin. Finally, she gave up and sat, her crown lifted in a howl. Although she knew that they may not be able to hear, she was howling for help. It was too dangerous to try and leave, and it was too dangerous to try and stay.