
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



7 Years

09-14-2014, 02:34 PM

He had just started to go and find the others, seeing that most of his members were off and following Harmony. It was then that his attention was flashed towards Chrono, his body falling towards the earth. Bass let out a bark and a howl, racing forward as the brute hit the waters. Bass desperately searched the muddy water, trying to pick out his body. Chrono had surfaced for air and started to go down, and Bass jumped in the river after him. He didn't care if the river was going to drag him away with him, he needed to save him! He had too! He wasn't going to fail another one of his members, not after losing Hajime. The pale male dove down, fighting against the current to lock his teeth around Chrono's scruff. His lungs screamed for air but he would not let go of the man, he would not give up. He kicked hard against the currents, even more heavy from the wolf he was trying to drag up to the surface. Bass' lungs screamed for relief, and he knew that he needed to breath soon. The Azat was determined, he was not going to simply let the man go to drown. Little did he know that Chrono was already dead, a heavy weight that would not help him reach the surface. Panic filtered through him, and he knew that he either needed to let him go or break the surface soon. Dots of black danced across his vision, but finally his head broke the surface. Gasping in air, he kicked hard, trying to pull them to the surface. He fought against the current, he had been pulled way down by the harsh flow of the water. His muscles groaned and ached, but his teeth were still clamped firmly on Chrono's scruff.

Letting out a cry the boy reached the edge of the water, fighting to pull the two bodies out of the raging water. Laying Chrono down in front of him he placed his ear to his chest. No heart beat was heard, but he would not stop there. Raising his tired paws he placed them on the man's chest, pushing down with all his might to try and pound his heart pack to life. "Don't do this to me Chrono! Don't do this, please!" He cried, tears mixing with the rain as he beat against his chest, trying to awaken him. But no, he was gone. Bass refused to accept it, he was just sleeping right, that's all it was! Just sleeping! He wasn't dead, he couldn't be. Bass had saved him, right? Curling around the man's cold body he let out a mournful howl, knowing that he was just fooling himself. His own body was freezing now, the wind battering his sore body. He couldn't leave Chrono alone though, he would not let his pack mate lay here and get eaten by something. He would be buried properly, and the boy would lay here with him through the whole storm if he had to. Salty tears and fresh water rain mingled around his maw, the taste of his own sorrow driving him into a haste. This was not happening to him, no. Chrono was not dead, not with his mate pregnant with their pups. Bass simply would not allow it. "Come back Chrono." He whispered, laying his head on the man's cold neck.