
Blow Me Away [MAIM]



4 Years
Extra large
09-14-2014, 03:54 PM

The impact as he crashed down upon her pale frame was both jarring and immensely satisfying. It shook his every bone and joint, and even as it sent a new flare of pain through his shoulder, Lyonovei could only smile. Red lines appeared where his claws had ravaged her, stark against her pallid coat. The time was near now. He was done playing children's games and his jaws awaited that final crunch. The pale bitch would suffer for disturbing him, for instigating his ire, and above all for demanding his homage. He would teach her the cost of her self-pietistical words and actions. Her grunted curse was a sweet melody, but he did not have long to savor the song before she began to worm away from him.

The instant his paws hit the ground he sank back into his stance. Each joint would loosen to allow him the ease of movement, and he made careful note to adjust his center of balance, shifting it from side to side. His chin tucked once more, just as his ears would remain pinned and his eyes half-closed. His tail was lodgepole straight, a plume which spoke of balance. His teeth would remain bared and his mouth half opened, ready to snap at the slightest provocation. He saw her tense, begin to move, and he dug is claws into the ground in preparation. Instead of charging straight at him, however she curved away and sank into an absurd sort of stance, with her posterior stuck up int he air like some sort of harlot. I see at last where your true expertise lies, he thought with a sneer. Lyon opened his jaws further to mock her obvious lack of experience with battle, but in the same instant she would jump forwards, limbs extended and looking to wrap around him.

Lyonovei hissed in a moment's surprise and his muscles would tighten on instinct, allowing him to pivot away. His back paws would anchor his brutish form while his front paws would propel him a pace to the right, down along her left side. He would divert the brunt of her attack, and instead of gaining a grip upon him she would graze his left flank. Her attack would open up a gash which, by the feel of it, started at his shoulder blade and continued in a downward slope along his midsection. It seared him like a hot iron but he could pay the wound no mind, not yet. He was hoping to achieve a set of parallel lines composed of his body and hers, heads aligning with tails. There before him her pale banner would sweep, an invitation he could not ignore. With one final push forward Lyon would seek to take the appendage between his jaws and clamp down upon it with bone-crushing fury. He would rend it from her worthless frame and let it forever me a reminder to her that there would always be someone waiting to knock you from your pedestal.

"Talk" "You" Think

LYONOVEI vs. ANZHELIKA for MAIM (Docking Tail)


ATTACKS:Lyon feints to the right, lunging down Anzh's left side, aiming to take her tail in his jaws and remove it.

DEFENSES: Sank into a readied stance, Loosened joints, adjusted his center of balance, chin tucked, ears pinned, eyes squinted, tail straight, teeth bared, jaw loose, claws dug in, muscles tight.

INJURIES: A moderate bruise on the meat of his shoulder muscle, a gash on his left side from shoulder to middle of his flank