
I Write Sins Not Tragedies


09-14-2014, 03:54 PM

Silveris still sat, her mismatched eyes narrowed to protect her from the rain, and she almost didn't see the male until he landed on a fallen tree. Instantly, she snarled. She met the male's gaze, her lips twitching in a snarl, her ears flat, and her fur slowly rising as she got to her paws, one lip up in a snarl. Water pulled at her paws and swirled around her back, but she managed to keep herself up, the only sign of her back being a brown, soaked stripe in the water.

She hated this male, and almost wanted to push him off of that trunk into the water and hold him there until he promised to leave. When he spoke, Silveris glared at him, her mismatched gaze threatening as she spoke in response. "It may be for you, but I didn't want to see your ugly face again." Sure, she was a little harsh, but the male deserved to hear what a female really thought about him and his stupidity. "I don't need help from you. I'm waiting on my mate and my brother to catch up to me. If you want to drown, that's your problem." But, at his last statement, calling her a pup, Silveris raised her head and tail, her voice a low growl, the innocent girl now seeming dangerous. "I am not a pup, and, if you cannot see that I am an adult, you do not deserve your eyesight." When he asked what she would give in return, Silveris spoke again. "I won't make my family trap you here. That is what you will get. Not that I need your help, anyway."

It seemed that the female was feeling brave, because she swam over to the tree trunk, and glared at the male. Without any warning, she lunged up, her jaws snapping. She at least wanted to push him off of the tree trunk. If she bit him, that was an added bonus.