
Brace for Bad Luck [Ebony's Storm]



2 Years
09-14-2014, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2014, 04:23 PM by Dyani.)

OOC: Sorry it's invasion of the slightly crazy siblings, but Dyani goes where Ullr goes xD frantic sister post go!
Ullr. She had to find him, and quickly. The mounting presence of the storm was sure to force her beloved brother into a fit. Steel cords of muscle rippled beneath scarred flesh as she fought against the powerful headwinds. She'd lost him, only a few months back, after fighting so hard for him, to care for him, and now she'd gone and lost him. There was not a better time to get the young boy back. Ice blue pools narrowed against the bite of grit upon her face, dirt and pebbles stirred up by the violent winds. She could hear thunder rumbling, a threat to all those below that this was far from over. This horrible storm was only the beginning, and it could mean death for those who couldn't fight against it. She needed shelter, and somewhere to hunker down before the worst struck, but first, she needed Ullr. He was in her charge, and even though he'd managed to disappear, she was sure he'd returned here. This was a land that was home to a she wolf who her brother had taken a liking to, which meant that he would most likely return here to seek comfort and shelter from the brewing tempest.
A yelp, familiar in tone and distinctly afraid, stirred her to fight harder against the wind. He was close enough to hear, which meant she could get to him in time and take him somewhere safe. With a growl rumbling in her throat, drowned out by the wind and the thunder, she finally came upon a sight she hadn't been expecting. A small group of wolves, probably the beginnings of a pack, heading for shelter. The rain was just now starting, and she spotted her brother amid the growing droplets. He cowered beneath a strange femme, most likely the one he'd come looking for. Onyx lips would curl back defensively, her first glimpse of her brother not one she was exactly keen on. The masked guardian slid down the hill with less grace than usual, moving on silent paws toward her brother. As she wove herself amid the ruins, it was obvious she would have to make her presence known to everyone. Cyan orbs would rest upon the features of the larger female, who held her brother between auburn forelimbs. No demands were made, the mute female simply staring down the stranger. She wanted her brother, but she wasn't stupid enough to start making demands.
Obsidian audits would flatten against her skull, as the rain began to invade her lobes. Lip would lower ever so slightly, ebony banner flicking anxiously at her heels. Gaze would fall to the fearful form of her brother, the paranoid schizophrenic she was trying so hard to keep safe. Without a word leaving her lips, she tried to draw him to her. She needed his presence, possibly more than he needed hers. He wasn't dead, so obviously he'd done just fine... without... her.. That fact was something that upset the ghost, but it was something to fret about at a later time. He was the reason for her scars, and for that she wore them with pride. In their time away from the main part of the lands, she'd kept him safe, until he'd run off.
The fae who now stood over Ullr was the colour of autumn leaves, and if she'd actually paid more attention to her appearance, one would say Valeriya was pretty. However, the tri shaded female wasn't exactly paying attention to that, as the rain started to soak into her thick fur. Cranium would cock to the side in the slightest, examining the fae a little more closely. She looked strong, that was evident, so maybe Ullr wasn't wrong in seeking her out. However, Dyani still wanted to take her brother some place safe, and for that she would have to wait for a reaction from the pack, to deem whether or not taking him was even an option now. Dominant position would falter, tail remaining low, but her tense muscles would not relax in the slightest.
