
One Lost, is now Found.


09-14-2014, 06:11 PM
His heart beat inside his chest, softly, yet powerfully pushing life through his veins. The heart that beat for his wife and children, the heart that went out to his family and that had never left them. Breath filled Thane's lungs, he was calm, quiet, patiently waiting for a response. Having his aqua blue gaze land on his girl, his daughter, she was the first to approach. White lined ears received her words, silencing him of his self-bombardment. He watched joyously as his daughter came towards him. She denied his negativity referring to himself, and wrapped her forelimbs around his neck as she reached up. A chuckle escaped the aging man's maw. In addition to his joy, even Cyril let out a laugh as he was nuzzled by his niece. As she did so he reached with his right foreleg in an attempt to wrap somewhat around her back. Following the embrace, Thane's attention then landed on his son, Ryker.

With a proud smile, he took in his son's mature and wise words. Ryker was right, such great young wolves his children had become. Both appeared to be in their prime, great sights to see, and an honor to be accompanied by. With a nod in a silent reply, Thane watched his son approach. The feeling of being able to embrace his children again was indescribable. The brute's aqua blue eyes settled on his two children before him, and gave both another nuzzle accompanied by a nip to their ears.

Thane followed his son's turned gaze to Ookami, it was her turn now. He watched her smile, a wave of butterflies fluttered about inside of his chest. Age had started to catch up with them both; but age would have no power over his wife's beauty.Silence was all there was as the man watched his beloved close the distance between them and rested her head on his shoulder after a nuzzle. White lined ears perked up, listening for he sweet melodic voice; to hear her once more ever so close again. Ookami replied as their daughter and son had, denying his accusation upon himself, telling him just the opposite. As she spoke her body slowly moved in front of him. Thane's heart jumped as she licked his muzzle. His beloved told him to never say such things again. If his wife said so, then so be it.

"As you wish my love." he said before licking her muzzle in return.

The mood quickly changed as her beautiful eyes became clouded with sorrow. Aqua blue eyes soon became covered with worry and concern. Thane was about to ask her what was wrong until she started speaking. Ravine, his son's name rang throughout his ears. Where was his third child, where was his son? Something told Thane that good had not come to him; yet his beloved held some explanation.

White lined ears flattened briefly as the words reached him. Ravine was lost, they didn't even know if he was alive. Thane could only hope that his son was still alive, already praying silently to the stars. The wolf looked down towards the ground, heart-broken by the news. It hurt him to lose another family member after so many. It hurt him to not know the whereabouts of his own son, whether his soul still wandered the lands or not.

Taking a deep breath Thane collected his thoughts and looked back up. A sigh escaped his maw; leaning forward and wrapping his head around his wife's neck to try and comfort them both.

Retreating back into his standing position, the old male looked at the remainder of his family.

"I can't say how happy I am to see all of you again. I am finally back with the most important souls in my life, even though we do not know of where Ravine is. All we can do is hope that he is alright. Ravine is a strong lad, always has been. If he is well and still alive, I am sure that he will come back to us and find his way home."

The golden eagle shifted on his master's shoulders.Cyril stretched his wings before he too added something.

"My my though, look at how big you two have gotten. It seems like just yesterday you both were just the size of me" he said to his niece and nephew with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.