
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}


09-14-2014, 08:35 PM

Blurred words went unnoticed. The wing and clashing rain drowning the syllables without struggle. Though, marbled eyes would capture the scene of a motley wolf fighting for his life and her king darting after him. How the male had gotten himself in such a predicament was unknown to her; however, with each rapid moment, the chances of him surviving diminished greatly.

The succubus rushed to the edge of the rapids, eyes scanning for the two. Normally it would have been a situation she would have turned her back on, though, she feared for Bass's life. Truthfully the king's life was the only one she was really concerned about other than her own. The rest would be washed away if their strength was lacking and make way for those who are more capable.

A deep breath of relief would escape her maw when Bass would emerge with the body of Chrono. She made her way to his side as he mourned the death of his friend. She offered the king a comforting nuzzle on his shoulder then shifted so that she could meet his eyes. A firm look painted her face as she would speak to him in the timbre of a royal. Leave with the others. I will see to it that he is buried properly. Abaven needs their king for comfort and for structure.

She would more than likely be fine in the weather, she was strong and even welcomed the endless storm. Besides, did a captain not go down with their ship? She would bury the fallen member properly as promised, though, if it were her home the waters would have been his grave. . . Venus touched her kings left cheek with her nose as a goodbye - just in case the gods decided to claim her too. Go. A last word, an order.

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