
off with her head


09-14-2014, 10:48 PM

It was building, rage and madness bubbling up beneath the surface and ready to explode forward. Massive beast twitched and seethed, the tension rolling off her in waves that could very well knock over another who dared to approach her. Head was hung low, nose dragging only a few inches above the ground, solid white eyes flittering too and fro as if scanning the lands. She wanted to taste blood, she needed to carve this madness into the flesh of another. Pelt rippled, barely containing the massive beast that slumbered beneath all the muscle and flesh. Everything was wrong, everything felt wrong. She felt like she needed to rip her flesh apart and shed her skin. She needed to be reborn. Teeth clacked together as jaws worked, clenching and unclenching as salivating jaws snapped at the air. She need to feel. Madness was trickling into her mind. Only occasional moments of clarity would grace her now a days. How long would it be until those faded completely? How long before there was nothing but the darkness of her own mind with the occasional piercing of pain to alleviate her tension? The pain pushed the darkness back, for a time. It pushed back the anger and sorrow and hurt. It pushed back the feelings of pain and betrayal and abandonment. The bitch had left her. Newt had run off with a man, birthed children, she ahd left Zara behind and then what. Zara had professed her love for Newt and then she had left. Her everything was gone.

Her eyes were beginning to burn, it wasn't the first time she had cried over this. Teeth clenched and bared, snapping at the air as if trying to chase those feelings away. But it was no use, there was no running from it. For the rest of her wretched life she would be haunted by the loss of her love. Slowly her pace would slow, gait staggering as if under the weight of her own madness. Hind legs crumpled and her body would hit the ground like a sack of dirt. Useless. So fucking useless. She felt old, worn out tired. She just wanted it all to be over. Would it ever be over? Who would free her from this mortal form. Maybe one day she would be with her mother, with Maze and with Darcia. Maybe one day she could be happy again. A sob wracked her body, shoulder heaving with the effort as once more she attempted to push herself into a seated position. It was a struggle, legs feeling like they were locking up, like they wanted her to just fall down and die there. But not yet, oh she was not done with this filthy earth yet. Not until she had killed every last one of Kaios's children, not until she had wiped his memory from this earth and she had collected the children who had not known their father, the ones who had been loyal only to Newt. She would recreate their mother if it killed her...
