
Hearts on Fire

Helios I


9 Years
09-15-2014, 02:19 AM

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Still the boy demanded that Helios reconsider, reconsider the laws laid down for them by higher beings. Laws that had never led his astray, even if at times doubts plagued his mind; in the end he had been rewarded for his loyalty. Even now the gods were testing him, pitting his own son against not only him but them, but the man was resolute. He would not waver, he would not fail, not now, not ever. ?And who are you or I to make those choices? The laws were not handed down by mere mortals. They have their reasons!? A part of him had been comforted by the idea that the child would be returning to the gods? sides. They had fallen so in love with him during his formation that they could not bear to be without him, and he would have been treated as royalty. Now that thought soured.

Still Apollo insisted in his status as outsider and Helios supressed a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. ?And have you actually ever heard anyone saying that?? He had to know, if anyone in his own family were speaking of his son that way, retribution would be swift. They were too stretched thin as it was to be acting this way. One day soon the man would look back upon that thought and be dismayed by the irony.

Apollo recoiled, a snarl once more curling his lips and Helios felt more anger and despair course through him. ?Yes that is exactly what you are supposed to do!? He snapped taking a single step forwards. ?That is what family does! They support each other, they lessen burdens!?

Both of them seemed to collapse then, Helios too dropping onto his haunches, head dropping, gaze going with it. His ears perked slightly as his son spoke again. ?Never.?

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