
Hard Habits to Break


09-15-2014, 08:16 AM

The fae's concern was some consolidation, but his neck was not looking to be consolidated. So it would ache on, but Albion would force a weak smile. "Oh, it's nothing," he lied. She said hello a second time (under better circumstances) and Albion's smile widened just a bit. Was that maybe a sense of humor he was seeing? It was probably worth finding out. She would answer his other questions in quick, polite form, and the pale male found himself surprised to find that she was a pack wolf, and rather far from home at that. "Abaven, huh? I'm not much for packs myself, but that's just preference." He didn't wanna rag on her lifestyle or anything like that. He'd heard of this Abaven from some passing rogues not too long ago but that hardly meant he was an expert. He'd passed near their lands when coming up from the south but hadn't felt any express need to drop in and say hello. In fact, he hadn't felt that sort of need with any wolf, but that didn't seem to stop them from tracking him down and pestering him. A wry smile appeared on his lips as his mind's voice quipped, Or breaking me, either. His neck still twinged, but he swallowed the pain down and tilted his head (Ow!) as a question popped into mind. "Found anything interesting? I've been puzzling over this boulder field for the better part of the day. It just seems... I don't know. Different." He had never been eloquent and that didn't seem to be changing now either, but oh well. Perhaps the chocolate fae would get his meaning anyways, maybe it would be his lucky day.

"Talk" "You" Think