
Sixteen Candles


05-15-2013, 07:30 PM

Insomnia catapulted through the quickly growing familiar territory, in the more plentiful seasons, when prey returned to the north, during the warmed seasons, a small band of hunters could easily bring in a bountiful feast that would last the pack several days. In between these trysts, Insomnia would often flee the Glaciem border, if for nothing else to explore. More often than not her wanderings led her to Seracia's territories, she feared if she kept coming here so damned often her scent was likely to blend, to become a mixture of both Glaciem and Seracia. Seriem? She laughed aloud at such a preposterous thought! Oh how she missed the day of your youth when she could share such whimsical notions with Elyas! But alas, she had lost the brute long ago and she could not mourn forever. Zipping between the cattle she tried desperately to pinpoint Mavericks location, his scent was so potent here, it was difficult to tell which trails were fresh and which were old, but the strength of the scent was coming more from the farmlands... and so here she found herself, weaving between the cattle, every bat of her pads sending excitement and exuberance careening through her. Her tongue lolled from the corners of her mouth.

Suddenly, she could hear her pads echoed, the stride was longer than her own but not as fast, not as quick. Her first thought was Maverick, and she craned her head around to smile, but it quickly faded when obsidian locked with glittering gems of amethyst, not emeralds. Stunned and slightly shocked, especially when the roar tore from his throat, Insomnia slammed on the breaks. Claws tearing into the dirt and the grass as her bodice swung out to the side in a desperate attempt to halt herself. What she hadn't anticipated, was that he was careening just as fast and was more than likely going to crash into her.

(((OOC: I didn't want to power play Ger, so I won't have her speak until after he crashes into her or not, she wouldn't really get the chance too should that be the case! if you would rather him not crash into her I can edit and add a bit more! Just lemme know!)))