
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



3 Years
09-15-2014, 10:42 AM

No! She lost Rhythm! Fear showing bright in her eyes, she looked around - maniacally, one might say - for Rhythm; she could see no sign of the dark colored woman. No no no no no. Mira's breath hissed softly between her teeth as she started to move back towards Bass and the rest. Already, mroe members were showing up. Thank goodness. And it appears everyone was sa-
Her thoughts, her hopes shattered as she saw Chrono try to cross the rapids... and fail, tumbling into them. "No!" she shouted, lunging for the river's edge. But she was too far away. Bass wasn't, and she watched with horror as he jumped in. She let out a short, wordless howl, sprinting as quickly as she can, watching helplessly as she arrived too late. Oh, please, no, don't kill Bass, don't let him die! A drawn out whine escaped Mira as she fought the rain and the wind, only to arrive too late to help Bass. Fortunately though, Bass was safe. He was on the bank, although he wasn't alright.
Mira stared at Chrono. "No..." she whispered, before tipping her own head back and singing a mournful howl. A member of her family, lost. Gone, never to return. the song - for it truly was a song - ended; she pushed her way forward to stand against Bass, crouching and pressing her fur against his in comfort. She said nothing, could say nothing - she wasn't meant for comfort. Maybe later, when they were safe... as safe as they could be.
The red woman stood as Venus approached, and she stood next to the higher ranked wolf. Glancing at Venus, she nodded, a small smile of thankfulness on her maw. Maybe she couldn't help, but Venus already was, even if she was ordering their king around. Mira stepped forward again, compassion and love in her eyes as she regarded Bass. "Venus is right. You should go. We should go, our pack, our family. We don't want to lose you, Bass. You are our alpha, our king; our protector. You did right. You were here for Chrono, and I can say that the pack will do the same for you." It wasn't the love of a mate that spoke; not a sibling, either. It was the love that a mother might feel - maybe not quite so strong, but strong enough.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]