
I Need The Bugger So I Can See



09-15-2014, 11:26 AM
Salamander; 31 inches & 100 pounds
Sal's first fight, yay! :D

The man glared at Sal before bursting into laughter. What? A look of of surprise crosses the boys features, almost taking a step back as if the man was deranged. But the moment he spoke up it brought back the anger Sal felt, lips pulled back in a horrible series of growls. Purple orbs, usually full of energy and happiness were replaced with a coldness never seen before. How dare he speak of his parents like that, call Sal pathetic and how his parents would be disappointed in him. No, lies, the man was a liar!

"Shut the hell up!"

Tail lashed out behind the boy, ears pinning back against his skull and eyes narrowing. The boy's body had been preparing itself for what was to come, his limbs spread evenly apart, muscles around the abdomen tensing up. He would shut the man up, make him take back those words! And once he had the man at his paws, Sal would laugh in his face! Yeah! He'd laugh and laugh, make him eat the dirt at his paws!

With one final, and vicious snarl the boy launched himself forward, charging with all of his might. Salamander would try to move to his right, wanting to do a 90 degree arch around Feanor so that he could come up and to his [feanor] left side. Keeping ears pack, eyes narrowed, and tail out the boy stretched out his neck, tensing it up while jaws parted and aimed to grab onto Feanor's flesh behind his left shoulder. Limbs shifted his body to become perpendicular to Feanor's, spreading back out when he had launched his bite attack, distributing his weight.

A single bite would not be enough for the boy, he would go for more. With the bite, should he be successful, the boy would clamp down as hard as possible and pull backwards. With the pull, whether it is successful or not, Sal would swing his back end to the right, trying to smash it into Feanor's left hip as hard as possible to either bruise or knock him off balance if he was lucky enough.

Awesome table by Canttina <3