
Plot with Mouser



05-15-2013, 07:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2013, 07:19 PM by Ashtoreth.)
Decided it was maybe about time to make another one of these. c: I feel like I have less to offer this time in terms of plots and stuff, but maybe you guys can think of something and let me know about it.

As before, names are also links so click them to be redirected to the character's profile.

ASHTORETH: 4-year-old Female. Valhallan Hunter. Single.
I don't really have anything too terribly pressing in mind for her yet again, though I would still really like for her to make some friends inside of her pack. She's always ready to talk and have an enjoyable time, and she tries to be fun and laid back as much as she can. Her love interest has been placed inactive, so I suppose she could be open in that department as well, but she'll need to let go of her feelings for Leon first. It might take a while. At this moment, her injury from when a wolf attacked her outside of the pack territory and is now healing and she's getting function in her leg back. She'd be more inclined to meet members of her pack, but she's still free to meet anyone, though be warned she'll be a little more cautious around unfamiliar, non-Valhalla faces.

MERCIANNE: 3-year-old Female. Glaciem Hunter/Healer. Single.
It seems to be a silly trend of mine, but I'm really always and constantly looking for friends for my characters. Merci is more of a timid sort so I can easily see her only really having a handful of friends, or close friends, and keeping herself busy with work and responsibility the rest of the time. She's not actively searching for a mate - she's a little too socially awkward for that - but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be interested. As for recently, she was training under Asheni to learn how to become a healer, and with her passing she is left teacher-less. She is really hoping to find someone new to teach her more about plants and healing.

RUNE: 1-year-old Male. Tortugan Pup. Single.
I know there aren't that many pups in Tortuga at the moment, so I'm not really expecting him to make many friends his age. However, I would like for him to get in with some adults, or at least one adult, to sort of become a role model or sorts for him, someone that he can learn from and socialize with outside of his family circle. Of course, more interactions with his family are always nice, and I'm all for tight knit family relations. He's old enough now to wander wherever he wants, so I'm all for him getting out there and meeting new faces outside of his pack. He's sort of the quiet sort unless around those he's familiar with, but hopefully there's someone out there who wouldn't mind his quiet company.

TAHLIA: 4-year-old Female. Seracian Member. Single.
Being so new to Seracia, Tahlia's real concern is just getting to know everyone there and finding a place among them for her to fit into. Likely she'll hunt for them, in particular fish, but I really mean like socially. She could really use some friends there, or even a few others that she dislikes or who dislike her for whatever reason - she has blaring faults so it's possible not to like her. She's pretty much open to anything, so feel free to make suggestions, though just know that, if someone is considering taking her as a mate, she'll want them to live in her pack because she has no interest in leaving it whatsoever; it's too perfect for her.

I don't have any real exciting plots to suggest, but maybe something in there will appeal to someone or someone's character? :s

Oh, and if you feel like PMing me instead of replying here - I dunno, maybe you like keeping secrets or something - please do so on Ashtoreth's account. Thanks. x)