
I thought you were dead...


05-15-2013, 07:45 PM

Oh how she missed Oxia, the days when they were just pups playing together. She missed those days, the times she had nothing to worry about, just whether her brothers would wrestle with her or not, protect her from the nasty bugs. She sighed as his tongue ran over her head, a shiver running down her spine. And within moments he went from her head to cleaning her, getting the dirt and matts out of her coat, trying to get her looking decent. She didn't resist either, just let him do it. But then after a few moments he spoke up, saying he also thought she was dead and that he tried to fight the wolves off the best he could but he was weak. She shook her head at this, she had never thought he was weak. He also told her that it didn't matter now, she was here and safe, then continued to clean her off.

Once he finished Sperare caught his gaze, looking over her body, most likely realizing now how thin she was. Him knowing caused her to become uncomfortable, a leg crossing over the h=other and her head lowering to the ground. She didn't like him seeing her like this, she was already the smallest of the siblings and looked eve smaller in the condition she was in. Her ears perked up though she he asked why she was so slender, asking what happened to her.

She didn't bother lifting her head, what she was about to tell him she wasn't too proud of. I... was able to escape where I was being held, but, I had pups with me. Her head turned to the side, her tail tucking between her legs. I hunted what I needed for myself but I gave most of the meals to them, until we were separated from one of my pups... Where I was being held the women were not allowed to leave the camp, and so I did not learn how to properly hunt. It was very hard to provide for me and my pup, the both of us were lucky to come across Gargoyle not that long ago.