
Ma Lumi�re

Thaddeus Rogue

06-03-2013, 09:06 PM
Thaddeus Rogue watched his sister digest his words. He understood her shock on the matter, he was not one to give his heart out and Ayala was so shielded in her shell that if he was not the one pinning for her affection he would have thought the other party insane, for one so lost could not understand love. But Rogue was the one pinning for Ayala's love and he was not going to take no for an answer, never, he knew what he had wanted and he had and still wanted her love. "Come sister, if there nothing else you can say to me? After all my hard wo...."

And that is when his kingly brother chose that moment to join them, and cause problems. Like always. At first Thaddeus chuckled at his brother's teasing, but that quickly faded as he watched Ayala's mask of slavery slid back into place. He watched in horror as she moved away from him, sliding lower to the ground, making herself look small, making her look less then the beautiful wolf that she was. He turned enraged eyes onto his brother, a growl deep in his throat. If it was just the two of them Rogue would have been amused, and in turn said something back, teasing in return. But saying someone was not worth someone else was not something you should say to someone who still think they are dirt, not worthy, and Gargoyle should have known that, he should have considered that Ayala would not understand the joke that existed between the brothers. Rogue moved his body closer to Ayala, pressing his weight against her, sharing his support, he would not let her go, never.

Before Thaddeus Rogue could say anything more, Gargie tried to mend what he created. Rogue was not sure if it will fix the mess his brother had put him in, but he hoped it helped. Rogue turned to Ayala then, moving close to her and placing his nose on her forehead. "Ayala, do not listen to my idiotic brother. He was joking with you at my expense, he meant nothing by it. And do not worry about my sister, she is happy for us." Rogue turned his eyes to Crusade then, telling her with his eyes to agree, or else. "Right Crusade."

With that Rogue turned back to Ayala and licked her face, trying to take her slavery mask off again, trying to fully fix what his brother had broken. "Come, Ma Lumi?re, I love you, and my family think you are great. Show me your eyes and smile again, please?" Rogue just wanted to see her happy, if he had known Gargoyle would have revered everything he had worked to create, he would have told Crusade and Gargoyle without Ayala in tow, ah, but he wanted to show her that his family and her Alpha approved of them, that she was going to be one-hundred percent part of his family... Maybe there was time to fix this. If Gargie could take a hint.