
Unsteady Return


05-15-2013, 07:54 PM

Her paws seem to shake under the extra weight that the babies have provided to her. He stomach was stretched far and she was huge as a cow. Anyone who has eyes could tell that she was bearing offspring, and by the look of it a decent size litter at that. She walked with a wobble trying to even out the weight so she did not tip over. this was all new to her, her first litter and she was not sure what to do and such.

A hard kick struck Ookami in the rib cage and she nearly collapsed."Oomph!" She said as she looked at her belly, Easy in their little ones, mommy almost fell." She turned back foreword and continued to walk. Ookami was hungry and in her condition she can't really do much hunting. So scavenging was all that she could do now.

Her eyes soon landed upon a small rabbit that was killed and nibbled on. Ookami smiled and quickly ate the rabbit. Her babies were moving quite a lot and once the food went down they begun to settle down a bit. Ookami needed to eat some more and she knew that. She continued to walk some more then her eyes caught the sight of another, this female looked hurt, and Ookami could not help her that much. The healer told her that she should take it easy, but that was easier said than done.

Ookami looked at the female and spoke, "You ok?" She asked as she walked closer to the female. The scent on her was that of Valhalla so this eased Ookami's nerves a bit more.
