
off with her head


09-15-2014, 09:03 PM
Skype for questions i can't believe we are finally fighting each other <33

Eyes would widen in surprise as the woman hissed at her. She would take a step with every intention of fleeing. The larger woman would settle into her defenses, her scarred body trembled with what could only be rage. "I-I..." But it was too late, the woman was already racing toward her. Now that she had a chance to see her face, white eyes met hers. Was she blind? She had never met a wolf with white eyes beside Taurig, but he had been blinded. Her only hope was that she was right, this woman could crush her with ease. The ground practically vibrated beneath her paws as the woman found her way closer, their position overlapped, so that this crazy woman was more to her (dev) right. Immediately defenses fell into place.

Eyes would narrow, tattered ears pinned against her skull. Hackles would lift as her skull fell level with her spine, her chin tucking against her throat. Lips would peel back, curling to push extra flesh around her eyes. Her tail would align with her spine as well, straightening to act as a rudder. Lengthy limbs would spread equidistant, her weight evenly distributed while her legs bent at the joint. Toes would splay and claws dug into the earth for traction, or to help keep her rooted to this spot, she wasn't sure yet. Her abdominal muscles would flex, back arching in preparation to absorb the impact, shoulders rolled forward to push extra fat and fur around her neck, while her neck scrunched. This stranger was out for her life, and she had children to think about.

The behemoth monster would close the distance between, each scar of her battered body becoming more evident. Fear tugged at the edge of her mind, but she couldn't let it take over, she needed to focus. Her left hind leg would slide back several inches, her right forelimb doing the same, haunches lowering so that she could better absorb the impact. The would collide with brutal force, a severe bruise blossoming across the right side of her chest and the point of her right shoulder. The wind would be knocked from her lungs, causing her to gasp. Before she would process the pain, new pain blossomed across her scruff, moderate puncture wounds breaking her skin just before her shoulder blades. Because of the positioning of her right forelimb, her opponent would fail to lock it in place. A newfound rage would break free, pulling a guttural snarl from her throat. How dare she! She was only being nice! And now this bitch was attacking her!

Haunches would coil, attempting to throw her weight forward, and slighty upward as jaws unhinged, and bringing her front paws to once again be aligned, as a result, she would feel the skin of her scruff tear a little within her opponents grasp. In sync with her thrust forward, her skull would tip to her left, jaws aiming upward to grab a hold of her opponents throat/neck. She would aim to position her top jaw near the base/back of Zaras right ear, and lower jaws aimed for the pressure point behind the curve of the right side of her (zaras) jaw. Following her attempted bite, her right forepaw would lift, her weight shifting to her remaining three limbs and adjusting her balance according, and she would aim to slam it down on her opponents right forepaw, near the toes in hopes of causing some damage.

DEVYA vs ZARA for DEATH: round 1/3

ATTACKS: throwing her weight forward, simultaneously she will try to grab a hold of the right side of zaras neck/throat so that her top jaw is aimed behind zaras right ear, and her lower jaw in near the pressure point behind the curve of the right side of her jaw. lifting her right forepaw in an attempt slam it down on zaras right front paw.

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, lips curled, tail aligned with her spine, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, core tightened, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, weight evenly distributed.

INJURIES: severe bruising across the point of her right shoulder and the right side of her chest. moderate puncture wounds to her scruff (just in front of her shoulder blades), slight tearing from her forward movement.

OOC: confirmed with dee that zara is a fat ass 42 inches, and 200 pounds. Dev is 35 inches and 120 pounds. also confirmed with dee that zara isn't lifting her paw, she's sliding it forward
