
Talk Dirty To Me


09-16-2014, 01:05 AM

His shoulder hit square in the middle of her chest, giving a satisfying crashing of bodies and slight sting of newly forming bruises. His stance remained spread evenly under him, his toes spread and claws digging into the soil as he pressed into her to push her balance off center. He reached for her scruff, but unfortunately that attack wouldn't be nearly as successful as his first. She would duck down just out of his reach, his jaws snapping closed around thin air. Before he could step back out of the way her head snapped up and slammed into the lower part of his jaw, knocking his head back out of the way and bruising his jaw badly. He didn't think that the strike was hard enough to fracture any bones, but the muscle and possibly even the bone was most certainly sore and bruised.

He stumbled back several steps while he blinked the stars out of his gaze and worked his sore jaw before quickly resetting his defenses. His ears remained pinned to his head and his eyes narrowed to protective slits once more. He reset his comfortable stance, his knees bending ever so slightly as well. As he lunged forward for his next attack his hackles rose to bunch up around his neck to protect it while his neck and tail flattened to lie level with his spine. A rumbling growl rattled in his throat, his head tucking down over his throat as he pushed himself forward and his lips pulled back in a snarl, pushing past the pain in his jaw and shoulder.

His muscles in his core tightened to keep his form steady as he lept up in hopes of wrapping his forelegs around her neck. He hoped that his slight size advantage would work in his favor and make it a little easier to overpower her. If he was successful he would have his forelegs around her neck and his right shoulder pressed into her chest or throat, depending on how high he was able to reach around her. If he was able to get her in his grasp he would spread his hind paws and use his tail to improve his balance, the toes on his hind paws also spreading to give himself a better footing. His claws would dig into the dirt as he pressed his weight into her, hoping to push her to the ground or at least knock her off balance. Instead of reaching for her scruff he went for her ear, being mindful to keep his jaw out of the way of her apparently dangerous cranium. He aimed to latch his teeth onto her left ear, his bruised jaw not strong enough to do any real damage, but still possibly enough to leave some scratches or even light tearing behind.

Anzhelika vs Nikolai for Spar

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears back, hackles raised, head and tail even with spine, paws spaced evenly in a wide stance, toes spread, claws dug in, knees bent, head tucked down over throat, snarling.

Attack:Leaping up to wrap his forelegs around her neck, pressing his shoulder into her chest or neck, biting her left ear

Damage: Bruising to his chest, heavy bruising to his lower jaw
