


09-16-2014, 12:52 PM

ooc;; sorry for my absence D:

Oh he was late, dear god he was late. He had heard Natalya's howl from well outside the packlands and immediately he had turned and begun his sprint back to his new home. He didn't want to disappoint Natalya, especially since she had just accepted him as Gaia's prospective husband and had blessed their union herself. How terrible would it be if he couldn't even show up to stupid meetings on time?!? Long legs ran faster and faster, pushing his heart and lungs to the point of almost bursting it felt. In his chest they burned but lower jaw unhinged to try and gulp in as much air as possible, tongue rolling out over his teeth to attempt to lower his body temperature a bit. But even in his haste he was late. And the shake hit him like a brick wall as he heard the voices as he approached. Aw MAN... He slowed immediately, ears pinned to his skull in shame as he trotted up to the gathering of wolves. "So... Sorry..." He gasped as he attempted to speak and catch his breath at the same time. Never a good idea. He forced a weak smile to the rest of the wolves before seating himself nearby, hoping he wasn't TOO late for whatever was happening.