
Bael Angelique MacCabe


09-16-2014, 05:51 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Dusk
How did you get here?: Unicorns
Age: 21

Character's Name: Bael Angelique MacCabe
Age: 1 y.o.
Season of Birth: spring
Adult Height: 27
Appearance Description:
Body boasts an elegant silver base color in which shimmers beneath the sun and moon. White paints her body underneath, starting at left cheek and maw while moving down her chest and abdomen. The white on her abdomen trails off up her side in almost a brindle pattern - stripes that seemingly fade into specks and dashes. Though, her genetic makeup does not hold the brindle coding. The underside of her tail is decorated in the same frosted tone as well as each limb bellow the knee. The white on her face tapers off in a sharp point across her left eye. Left eye in which is a brilliant orange that lacks a pupil from an old injury (blind in left eye). Right eye boasts captivating a shade of verdant. Facial markings beyond the white are a bit more complex. A russet tone paints the left side of her face, meeting the white on her cheeks and trailing around her ears and slightly down her nape then blending into her dominant silver. Ride side of her face is boldly colored black - taking over any white markings that would have normally have been parallel to her left cheek. Shadowed shade begins at the nose and trails up her head. Onyx tapers off into a sharp point on her foreheard, kissing the russet and white tones perfectly. Black slops down her face in such a way that silver is still revealed upon her right forehead and right ear. Overall build is small and slender. Though, lacking in strength due to her size, she gains agility and swiftness.

Calling: murderer
Proof of Purchases: n/a