
let the ravens gather



5 Years
09-16-2014, 05:52 PM

Boredom had settled once again on the femme like a festering wound. Alacritis, despite it's roiling sea of shifting packs, had done little to give the wraith any sort of solid footing or sense of purpose. D?gmar still harbored bitterness toward Cataleya and Artemis for their betrayals, though at least the snowy tyrant had the gaul to face the pack and state why she was throwing them in the dirt. She was really beginning to wonder how many alphas in Alacritis could actually rule. Particularly those that favored the taste of blood.

As the skulking shadow went on her merry way the call of a pack challenge rang out over the battlefield. Well now?. wasn't this curious? She strolled toward the battle with the ease of one who had nothing to lose. The outcome of this battle would prove of little consequence to her and she could so use the entertainment. Maybe one of the audience would get worked up enough to wish to fight as well as she'd get a sparring partner out of it.

Silently the femme fatale lingered on the outskirts of the gathering, eyes falling on the form of a lithe black female who's scent still lingered of Ebony. A wicked grin kissed her maw. Well now, wasn't this precious? She had goaded her apprentice, Drashiel, into slaying an Ebony femme a fair time back to teach him that fighting and killing were very different actions. She did not know anything of this pack being challenged however and decided to pay them little heed. After all, she was only here for the show.