
Unsteady Return



05-15-2013, 08:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As she lay waiting, Ashtoreth forced herself to look anywhere but at her leg, ears pinned with a rather strained expression about her face. It hurt, no doubt about it, but the fact she couldn't bring herself to look at it yet made her worry that it might have been more serious than she thought. The crazed wolf had certainly gotten a decent hold upon it, and she knew she had bled because of him, but was the muscle clean? Would she be able to walk on it later? Will it ever stop hurting? Gritting her teeth, the little grey wolf drew in a steely breath and turned her head slowly, gold and purple eyes peering reluctantly at her exposed leg. It was red, most definitely, and it still bled, the rains having continuously washed it out, but though she was no healer she hoped that it did actually look less serious than she would have imagined.

It should have been a relief, being able to look on her own wound without feeling too queasy or panicky about it, but it only served to make her wish for someone to arrive faster. She needed a healer, but after Erani had been demoted and changes had taken place, she wasn't even sure who to turn to any longer. And the chances of one miraculously choosing this time to march the border. Slim to none. Perhaps she should have risked calling out to the pack at large after all.

As she turned to set her eyes once again on her surroundings, her ears perked atop her head as someone came into view. The wide black wolf walked along at an awkward wobble, making good progress but seemingly hindered by weight. It was hard from a distance to identify who the wolf was, and even as she came closer Ashtoreth struggled to place a name with the wolf's face. With her peculiar star she felt it should have been obvious if she had known at all. But the wolf approached her cautiously and eventually drew close enough to inquire about her condition. Letting her tail wag a few times against the ground as a sign she meant no harm, Ashtoreth smiled sheepishly, almost with a bitter edge. "Nope," she answered simply, not altogether feeling very talkative or descriptive about the endeavor she had gone through.

But while she glanced the other female's way - her pregnant condition much more obvious at this close range - she thought she finally felt a spark of recognition. She had seen this wolf before, at a pack meeting, sitting beside... "You're Thane's wife, right?" Ashtoreth asked, her gold and purple eyes becoming curious as she stared a the darkly colored female, certain now that she was correct in her assumption and hoping to have it confirmed.