


09-17-2014, 12:50 PM
Sooo I'm not sure if anyone is actually going to be interested in claiming a puppy of Akemi and Kau but if so I'll give ya'll the chance. I'm planning on having Akemi join a pack, though with Silveris heading towards Abaven {meaning her children, Emery, and Biull will go too} I want Akemi to be in a different pack with her kid{s}.

Now... I honestly have no idea if these children will know their dad, especially since some DM's against Kau are possible. So we'll just have to stay tuned for that. They will, however, know their mother of course, her companion {a pygmy jerboa named Tiny, who they will consider their brother}. Right now, the only definite pup is my own, Einarr, who is a male and will be achieving 42" in height. Height IS discounted, if that's of any interest, by 25% per inch due to Kau being 42".

The names are the only thing that I will be picky about. I want them to be Norse, other than that, really, it's free reign.

These are just the most likely traits of the children! Just run a design idea by me if you?re not sure if I?ll accept it.

-Coat Colors::
[Main] White, Tan, Brown
[Secondary] Tan, Brown, Black
[Possible Other Colors;; Free] Cream, Golden-Blonde, Rust, Silver {orangeish like Allen}
[Possible Other Colors;; Costs Gems] Orange, Red

-Eye Colors::
[Most Likely] Red, Purple, Violet
[Most Common Secondary] Green, Blue, Gold, Hazel

I am not picky on genders or markings. However these pups will, at least at a start, be no darker than neutral. They are more than welcome to develop IC, however.

Also! Freyr, Akemi's brother, is very likely to be a huge part in the pups lives. Other Hroovys may also have big influences.

The pups are also not yet conceived, so no due date yet, but I will be working on that very soon.

Name:: [Norse First Name Here] Akemadorrir [Female Last Name] or Akemason [Male Last Name]
Appearance:: Please be sure to include height and weight.
Personality:: Please be sure to include the alignment of your pup.
Plans:: Brief plans, if any. If you'd rather wait to see how things play out IC that is perfectly fine!
Store Purchase Needed?::
-Note:: I will assist with 50% of the cost per pup pass needed if more than one. If only one is needed I will purchase the whole thing.

-Height is discount 25% because Kau has additional height. I will not assist in payment.

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Alright, here is the info, as promised!

So this male looks pretty much almost just like Kau?s former lover, varying shades and markings. Avion, while in a way a slave, was well treated by Kau. Anyone who dared try and come near his smaller lover was left a nasty reminder that Avion was his, and his alone. In short, yes, Kau truly loved Avion. He was his one true love, and while not overly lovey, and showing his dominance clearly over the other, Kau would have died to protect Avion. Would had done literally anything for him, if he truly needed or desired it.

When Kau lays eyes on this child, reminded of Avion, Kau is going to become extremely possessive over him. He will name the child Akira Avion Kedieo, keeping close tabs on him, and develop an attachment that will, over time, grow to be an actual love. Kau is bisexual and when this child reaches the age of two Kau will begin to openly show his affections as a lover, rather than a father. There is a chance too that Kau may gather others as part of a harem as well, though this is yet to be seen.

Akira will not know of Kau being his father, but will simply know him as a guardian. I have some other guidelines for this young male as well, since he is definitely a plot baby. Incest and a gay pairing are part of this. This is your warning should you choose to adopt him.

Personality wise, as I mentioned before, Akira will be much more of a submissive type. Kau will try prohibit him from learning to fight, or really doing much for himself. He will be spoiled and pampered, treated like a prince. It will be the part of Kau that should have been, had his heart not been corrupted as the prince of the dark Kedieo Clan. Kau will likely attempt to form a pack, making the child his heir {providing he doesn?t face a DM for his actions in raping Akemi. But I will fight to keep him alive. ;3} I do not yet know what this pack would be named, but yes, this pup will eventually grow to be Kau?s lover, mate, and rule beside him. Think a spoiled, pampered prince into a spoiled and pampered trophy wife that Kau will immediately threaten to maim for daring to harm him.

Also, another tid-bit, is that Kau is going to find Avion?s old collar. I will be making the purchase for it [unless the kind soul of the adopter wants to donate towards it], and it will be given to Akira to wear. Akira will be an obsession of Kau?s clearly, so be prepared for lots of threads with him.

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