
Hard Habits to Break


09-17-2014, 04:30 PM

We all want something to hold in the night

We don't care if it hurts when we're holding too tight

The brown woman would attest that she had found nothing of interest, but Albion found that rather hard to believe. She'd found nothing interesting? Nothing at all? Surely she had to have seen at least something that caught her interest. But instead of allowing the the sarcasm to voice itself he laughed. "Well, they're well enough as far as rocks go. I think there must have been a pack here once but..." He shrugged. "Hard to tell why they might have left." She introduced herself and Albion leveled her with a curious stare. Rhythm? Odd enough but it seemed to suit her. He loosened his jaw, about to unhinge it and speak his own, but the name caught in his throat as it usually did. Albion Kierne-Avilov. That damn hyphen. A lie to omit it but a painful truth for any wolf of Ebony. He knew that the odds of Rhythm understanding what a common name and a noble name would entail, or even which was which if either was anything at all. He let out a low breath before saying. "My name is Albion," he said with a smile, and tried to force a friendly light into his eyes.

Albion stood, hoping to distract both Rhythm and himself. He began to walk around the boulder he'd been seated upon not long ago, sniffing at it's base for any stronger scent of whichever wolf had once inhabited the den. Nothing stuck out to him and he came up with a sigh. "Well, if you don't have anything else to do, I plan to look around some more. Care to come along?" If she truly had seen nothing at all interesting on her journey maybe he could help liven up the return trip at the very least, give her something to tell her companions.

"Speech," Think