
Flirtin' With Disaster



5 Years
09-17-2014, 05:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

With great reluctance Anais led the way from the Sand River in the west all the way to the Range in the east. She returned very different from the bright-eyed, adventurous girl she had left as. Her body seemed weighted by worries, her yellow-gold eyes mirroring the desperation of her thoughts, and her ears could not seem to raise themselves upon her head in any sense of contentment of complacency. And everywhere that her quick steps brought her, her path was shadowed by the hazel-eyed brute who had so quickly claimed her as his own, the man whose relationship to herself she no longer had a name for now that "friend" was no longer an option.

She glanced back timidly across one shoulder at him, half wishing not to see him looming there at her heels but he was. She could not get too far away from Pyrros, and indeed feared doing so. He had snapped verbally at her once, shown her aggression even if he had not physically lashed out at her, but it was more than enough. Never before had she needed to deal with this sort of behavior from someone, sheltered beside her family or within the confines of a well-guarded pack, and it seemed she had a lot she needed to learn in order to navigate these new waters that she now found herself in.

Like introducing the male to her family.

She could have kicked herself for bringing them up, for mentioning the home where they lived. The second it had left her lips, Pyrros was ready to move, and nothing she could have said would have deterred him. So she had obliged, leading the way, and felt her nerves growing tenfold as they passed the boundary into the woods that surrounded the Range proper. "This is it," she muttered quietly, unsure if she said it for his benefit or as if to finalize her own thoughts. They were here, at her home, where her family resided. She could not begin to imagine how the conversation would go. Stopping, she glanced back at her...whatever-he-was and paused a second before suggesting, "I should call to them. They'll know it's me."

To make good on her words, she faced forward again and drew in a slow, shaky breath and tipped her head back with a howl, hoping her voice sounded steadier than she felt as she beckoned her family to come meet her and Pyrros.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.