
Flirtin' With Disaster



09-17-2014, 06:13 PM
Light paws carried the male over the domain that he himself was not all that familiar with then again he was a loner so he tended to travel around on his own however this little dame that stumbled upon him, had tossed the opportunity to meet her family perfect timing right? He tough it was since he was seeking refuge in a pack.

Hazel orbs watched the dame before him absorbing each movement she made before she spoke when they drew close to the broader, scent the air for a moment he familiarized himself with the aroma before stepping in to the land. Still following the female for a few moment he perked his ears as she explained that she needed to call them. Chuckling softly he simply nodded and moved to brush his muzzle in to her neck before he spoke

" Relax, no harm will fall you if you stick with me"

He whispered in a soft seductive tone that only be fell on her ears before he moved to take a few steps away and recline to sit upon his rump. Waiting he simply listened to the howl from the girl and he himself resisted urge to follow suit and howl with the girl, After all she did have a beautiful tone perhaps he could hear her often? The thought amused him and so a soft smile tugged upon his lips=