
The Devil In Stitches

Rune I


5 Years
05-15-2013, 11:19 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

The voice that rang across the territory was unfamiliar but commanding, not that of their Vecaan Kaien or even Morphine but holding enough authority within it to give the youngster pause. Whatever their reason for calling sounded important, otherwise why bother at all? But shouldn't it have been either of the Vecaans to summon a meeting like this, or at least someone recognized as holding a high rank and regard throughout the pack? He stood hesitant, considering, before finally turning and urging his gait into a quick trot to reach the location of their meeting all the more swiftly. Just to be safe, perhaps attending wouldn't be such a horrible idea.

He was glad he had made the decision he did. When at last the mountainside that the wolves had gathered upon came into view, he could see that many of their pack had already arrived and were gathering around to stand either isolated or in small groups, mingling with those familiar and tolerated faces that hey knew of. Spying his mother and sister among the masses, Rune quietly and carefully made his way to join them, saying nothing though both were spared a glance as he took a seat and let his attention be captured by the wolf who spoke to them.

Unsurprisingly, it was neither Kaien or Morphine, but a new wolf, one who called herself Desdemona. She stood tall and stately, large and intimidating even to him, especially covered in blood as she was. Learning that it was Kaien's blood that she wore, the youth's frosty blue eyes widened slightly though the stoic look about his face remained relatively unfazed. Kaien was dead? Morphine demoted? It took him a moment to realize that the leadership change was final and done with; Desdemona and the wolf known as Nnoitra would rule then now instead.

None of what followed held any particular importance for him - he was still young, not even a year - but because he was interested in the goings on of the pack and what might eventually be expected of him when he did come of age, the lanky grey pup listened. It seemed he would be missing out on a chance to prove himself this time around, but if this wolf was going to make an attempt at changing things now there was no telling whether he might end up having to undergo something just as trying. But as he glanced around, particularly at those family members he sat beside, he could tell the news was not taken well. At least in this sense he was glad to be a pup; his rank would not change at all.

A glance overhead as a voice gratingly called down to them had his blue eyes fixing themselves on a bird overhead as it danced about aerially, calling down to them in an almost singsong manner that was about as annoying as it was helpful. He dropped something into their midst - the item lost to Rune because he was not near enough to see - but from the vulture's goading lyrics he was sure he could guess what it was. The news the bird offered seemed to settle just as badly among the pack as had the news about the ranks, but not wishing to add in his two cents, which he had none to give presently, Rune merely sighed quietly from his muzzle and turned to glance at his sister, mother, and aunt, curious as to their reactions and any opinions they might offer within the collective group of their family.