
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]



7 Years
Extra large
09-17-2014, 09:28 PM

ooc:For those who didn't post, just a warning, if you miss 2 meetings your wolf will be demoted whether they are a royal or not. And if you miss 3 Quelt may remove your wolf from the pack entirely unless you have posted in absence.
Quelt flicked his ear as he watched his mate thankfully show up to the event for the first meeting. He smiled gratefully and licked her over the top of her head before facing the pack. Not everyone he had wanted to show up, but he would have to make due. He knew some wolves had their perks, and things they needed to sort through. As he took in a deep breath, he started to speak to them. "Welcome everyone, to the first official Pack meeting of Isokan. First of all I would like to thank all of you for the support, and this meeting will cover how things should work inside the pack." he stated. Stopping occasionally to make sure that they were listening and understanding to what he was saying.
"I am your Olori, or King, who ever holds the rank of Olori should be related to the walker family in some way shape or form. Supreme ruler of the pack, whatever I say goes, if you listen well you'll live a leisure filled life. Irune is my Akoko, which is most of the time the Olori's mate, the Olori is not a male only rank it is whoever is in charge of the kingdom at the time. Understand she has as much authority as I do, but if I say something, you are to follow it." Quelt's eyes shifted. "Now to explain the heir or Arole, it works a bit differently than other packs do. To ensure that you know the Olori is here for you, the heir will be voted upon by everyone in the pack. The heir has to be from the rank of the royals, Royals will be explained a little later. But yes you will be voting on the heir when I think it is time, so it gives you a chance to have a say in who leads you. Our Oga is lead warrior and beta, in charge of all the fighters. They have the ability to deny and accept members at the borders, and if I or Irune are not present they are in charge. The Dokita is the lead healer, but they also must be knowledgeable about the wolf mind and behavior. Psychology is just as important as your physical health. The Ode is lead hunter and messenger, in charge of providing food for the pack, and the Ode themselves will be the one carrying important messages to others. Then we have the Royals, if you have come to the pack and are related to the walkers you are a Royal, or are one of my siblings. Royals are a bit different from everyone else so they should be respected, but do know they are not there by right, it is a privilege. If they break rules just like anyone else, they will be demoted. And in order to be voted as an heir you must be in the Royal rank. The Ogun, are the fighters of the pack. Currently Mariposa is our only Ogun. Eweko are our healers or healers in training. And Iranse are the hunters and messengers serving under the Ode. Illu's are wolves who have just joined the pack and have no duties, pregnant females will retain this rank until they feel they may return to their own. Omo are the future, those under a year of age and not within the Royal family. Do not ever, ever abuse a Omo it doesn't matter who their parents are, they will not be held accountable. If a pup is hurt and I find out about it, you will not be happy. Lastly are the Elewo, the omega's and prisoners of the pack. You must have done something really wrong to get into this rank, and I would hate to put any of you in it. Elewo's must have a Ogun suprvising them at all times."
Quelt would stop to take a breath, hoping that all of this was sinking into them. He would be answering questions after he was done. "Now all the rules are fairly simple, keep in mind anything I say still goes. But these are the basic things you should know. First off Olori?s word is law, there is no defying him or her unless you wish to get back lashed. Second should the pack disband, and there is no heir, the royal pool gets first picks on claiming the pack in order to continue on the blood line. Only then are outsiders or other pack members up to claim the pack. Thirdly intruders should be handled by the Olori, Akoko or heir only, unless hostile. Hostile intruders may be chased off the land immediately. And every member has the right to a private life, however anything done out of the pack that affects everyone, should be thought about before being done. If one wolf gets in trouble the whole pack may be punished depending on what it is, I hope not to do this often so keep in mind of your actions if a certain wolf does something I may not punish the pack. Also before conceiving children, I ask that you have a marriage ceremony. And both parents are within the pack, should the mother choose to move to the males pack she is free to do so. I will oversee the weddings. Should the pack population increase, breeding will be constricted to the Olori only. Respect everyone, if you can?t get along fake it. Allies are to be treated with respect, anyone discovered breaking alliances will be punished, these wolves are an exception to the everyone being punished rule. Our current Allies are Bevroren, Abaven and Etheral. I will be visiting the other packs as well to figure out their standings." Quelt finally finished, taking in a deep breath after all that talking. "Any questions?"


[Image: OvmqSCr.png]