
Wherever you may be I will find thee

Rurik I


2 Years
09-17-2014, 09:56 PM

and i'll fight to survive

"No, Kory wasn't sure that a plant would work either. He thought that some sort of trigger, but a good one would be needed. My only idea has vanished, no one has any idea where he's gone. Man called Vaughan, was one of her best friends. Mind you, if her companion ain't bringing back some decent memories, not sure that'll really work either. Got to be worth a try if I can find him though."

Rurik listened to what his sister had to say, Vaughan? who was this man that she spoke of. Rurik was trying to think of what he wanted to say to Isidora, to learn a little bit about this Vaughan person so he wouldn't seem out of place so much if they did find him and speak to him. Thus words began to slip from Rurik's maw even though they weren't completely thought over before coming about "Isidora, if were to look for this, Vaughan, I want to know a little bit about him so I know what he looks like and if there is any name or title I must address him by..." He wanted to ask more but for now he would settle with that much information. Rurik wanted to help Isidora and well that meant he had to ask his own questions and go off of what she would tell him. Never had he met this Vaughan fellow but if this was who Isidora was to go look for he would want to know about him.

Letting his eyes scan over the landscape he was beginning to ponder other things besides having come out to find Isidora. Rurik also came out to Alacritis to find answers to his own search. For now the objectives were to follow and protect Isidora while they figure out a plan and to possibly find Vaughan however since he got split up from Arty and Lily they also became another objective he couldn't simply ignore. Rurik didn't even know where they got split up at and would search the ends of the earth to get his family back together for a little while at least.


through this thunderous life