
Always a time to learn



1 Year
09-17-2014, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2014, 10:22 PM by Alectrona.)

Alectrona could hear her mother's footfalls as she approached. Feeling her mother's tail being wrapped around her felt wonderful as she heard her mum speak to her "Good morning, my dear. You are up early. Did you sleep well?". Alectrona giggled a little as she leaned against Natalya "I slept well, I've just been waking up earlier than Hercules and Chione to watch dah go off on patrol... I want to be like him and you mum, you both are amazing... and I want to make you both proud of me and proud of Hercules and Chione by learning everything there is to learn about our home and what all the specialties that are here...knowledge is what I seek most". She giggled once more wondering how Natalya would take her words.

There was always a word to describe Alectrona and that was certainly inquisitive. She would always have questions to gain what she seeks and that what she seeks was knowledge. Alectrona was determined to keep true to her goal of becoming one of the smartest wolves in the pack if not the world or at least she would try for goal as well. Nonetheless that didn't change the fact she wanted Natalya her mum and Helios her dah to be proud of the three of them even if their goals were different from her own. Once more her voice came about "Mum, do you think it would possible for me to take the required one specialty but also learn the others as well?... I want to gather as much knowledge as I can so I can help everyone, to help you and dah make Olympus better and better" Her voice was just as questioning as ever but it was a sort of playful questioning.
