
Flirtin' With Disaster



11 Years
09-18-2014, 05:37 PM
Everyone in his family was getting ready to leave the Range. Ever since Scorpion had let it be know that he wanted the whole territory for his forming pack Bane had been merely counting the days until the alpha came in with followers in tow before they had to leave. Hardly a season spent back at their old him but they once again had to bow to the will of others. It was however taking some time for Scorpion, but the elder however wasn't one to endanger his family with a pack. Not last time. Not this time. And so they were leaving today even after a few weeks of nothing transpiring. Nako was sitting by, his eldest son's presence relaxing for the elder for at least someone was watching him. Bane was all but blind in his remaining eye, glimpses of light even now a rare occurrence. His nose painted a blurry picture of the world, attention focused on carving into the tree in front of him.

Bane dropped the carving antler at the howl of Anais, the elder giving a bark to alert everyone around then learning and in the dens. His unseeing gaze was grave, something obviously wrong within the howl. A shifting of the form close to him; Nako taking the lead. Tahlia and the rest would have to follow even and Kailos and Jakart's pawsteps added to theirs. The four wolves hurried as best they could with Bane struggling to keep up to younger and energy filled offspring that heavily contrasted his age. Anais smelled close, Nako stopping so quickly Bane almost ran right into him. His sons were quiet, the old wolf sniffing deeply. There was someone with his daughter.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•