
Joining of two souls; Marriage



2 Years
09-18-2014, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2014, 09:17 AM by serendipity.)

Crucifix had moved to the packs meeting point in Weeping Woods, a clearing, and one that also held a convenient rock he could jump upon to raise his head and call out to the wolves of his pack to gather. Today was a long awaited day, ever since Twig had told him she wished to marry Alpine within Solstice borders. He was truly honoured, he loved his sister and was glad he could do this for her. He jumped down again after completing his howl and padded over to Sibelle's side where the two Alphas could wait together for the pack to arrive. He nudged Sibelles side, and smiled at the thought of marriages, he hadn't asked Sibelle, but.. it was certainly food for thought. He had ensure the wolves knew this was a mandatory meeting, This was an opportunity to bring the pack together and he wanted all of his pack family to be there for this moment, to witness the marriage of his sister. He would have liked to walk Twig to this point and 'give' her to Alpine himself, but as an Alpha he instead had the responsibility of marrying the two.

The reason they had waited as long as they had for this was to find their father so that he could do the walking and be here for this moment in Twig's life, but after fruitless searching the siblings had decided to go on ahead without him. He pushed aside any worry for his family, not wanting to put any clouds upon this moment, instead he stood tall and waited for all to arrive.
