
Butterflies And Salamanders



09-18-2014, 07:36 PM

Salamander chuckled at Mariposa when she also called him silly and stuck her own tongue out at him, only adding to his usual carefree, fun loving self. It was nice being around someone like that for once, not having to worry about the other possibly attacking him out of irritation from his antics. He would have to find some way to make her stick around, or at least to remain friends with him if she ended up finding a pack she wished to join for what ever reasons. The boy lifted himself to all four, tail up and wagging in an excited, rapid yet calm-like manner, ears forward and bright purple gaze focused on the woman.

When it came to the Salamander thing the good mood had quickly faded, being replaced with worry and confusion. Was he real or fake, what did Mariposa mean by what she said. The boy would only become even more confused when the same expression appeared on the woman, did she not even know herself? Ears folded back as she stated that she thought he was real, but then why did she sound uncertain? The boy couldn't think too much for the woman had pressed her nose against his own, making him a bit uncomfortable since no one had even gotten that close to him for as long as he could remember.

Mariposa asked if she was real, and to that he rapidly nodded his head while quickly backing away from the woman. Embarrassed, shy? Who knew, all the boy would understand was that he didn't like the close presence of a female by his body. ?Yes yes, Mari is very real.? He finally answered with one more nod of his head. It was then that it hit him, if he could feel her nose on his, then surely he was solid, and if he was solid then he was real. ?Sal is real, but if Sal is real then why was Mari asking if I wanted to see myelf?? His head tilted to the side curiously.
