
✗ so I hand you the key to your cell.


09-18-2014, 08:00 PM

There was so much potential with this relationship. Though, could a harlot as herself be dedicated entirely to one individual? Perhaps. She desired to be connected with the male in such a way - for the two of them to be all that mattered in all the world; however, selfish craving for the touch of man would prove difficult to subdue. It was her normal, her drug of choice. To change so entirely for a single soul would require patience and understanding. It would be a trek of heartache and regret, though, maybe this man would feel the end prize was worth it.

Beyond all darkness, an invisible magnetic force still pulled tainted heart to her Hades and it drew her to him at an incomprehensible velocity. In truth, it was a bit frightening. Feelings of overwhelming, foreign connection and though her body and mind wanted to avoid the male, to avoid the sensations of blooming love, it was physically impossible to do so. Because this invisible force, this magnetic, refused to release its powerful grip.

Tender kisses and touches would be offered by the water. Twinkles of light toyed with its surface creating a galaxy within the liquid. Beams of light shone through the canopy in places, spotlighting their location. It was as if they were the god's entertainment and this land was some sort of surreal, heavenly stage. Gentle tugs at her mane near her cheeks sent shivers throughout her body - trembles of lust. Ah, how she desired him again so soon. Eyes would narrow lustfully and she stroked her profile against his unkempt mane, beginning at his chest and ending at his jawline. Words would fall from his lips that would recognize mirrored feelings. Mmm, it was delightful to hear such words, though, a part of her wanted to tell the man to leave. To tell him that the two of them could never meet again; however, it was not because she wanted to, but because she felt she needed too. For who could love a tramp? And he simply deserved better.

Though, playful gestures were made to end such thoughts - to ease her mind of such thoughts. In the end, the dots will connect themselves and there was no way she could part way with this man now. He would forever be tattooed upon her soul and to walk away would be cowardly. To turn back on everything that could be good. The man's massive movements seemed to be of some discomfort, but that was to expected from years of carrying around a colossal frame. Bones and tendons surely had to suffer from additional wear. Marbled eyes would narrow flirtatiously as her Goliath would snap in her direction so desirably. Neck slithered out in a seductive manner, a soft smile painting her lips. Mmm, if only you knew how your aggression toyed with my desires. Tongue would reach out and kiss his golden ring softly.

Nips would target her nap and legs, twinges of pain that would send seemingly endless surges of aphrodisia. When the man grabbed hold to her limb, she tugged at his pierced ear - toying with the metal with her tongue and tugging on one very gently, tongue holding it against her upper teeth, before releasing her grasp. Body flung itself on his back, just behind his shoulders. Forelimbs crossed and resting upon him, head tilted over to grab at his shoulder with her canines. It felt nice to let all the bad wash away with the waters beneath them.

Life, her life, really did seem to get better. Growing in the ranks of Abaven, being the king's lead warrior and now to find a wolf she could honestly connect with effortlessly. Though, would her new found partner join her in her Abaven home until the two of them could create an empire of their own? It was a question in the back of her mind - was it even a good idea? A sudden wave of worry washed over her and body would drop back into the water heavily. Liquid would splash when her weight would kiss the surface, spraying on her chest and sides. Frame shifted to meet the male's gaze, questioningly look painted her face. When will I see you again? The question she spoke is, perhaps, what really concerned her. Really wanting to spend every moment with the man. How will I know where you are?

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