
Be The Best We Can



4 Years
09-18-2014, 08:55 PM

Aoto's day couldn't get any better as his smile widened on his maw. She was wanting to be a healer, a duty that took quite a bit of work and well a rather strong stomach to handle but it was something that pleased him. He knew exactly what he wanted to say in response to her question "What herbs are you looking for exactly, something to maybe cure a illness, help act as a anesthesia to make healing a wound slightly easier particularly if the patient is sensitive to certain areas being touched if a wound around the area is tender? I can most certainly help you find most herbs that I know of, if you need a specific type of herb?" sure he had his own questions but hopefully she would answer him with what she was looking for. After all Aoto was also a healer and it was not often that he would be able to meet another healer.

He was quiet afterwards though but his smile remained. Azure eyes looking over the girl. However his silence wasn't going to last long before he spoke aloud "Not very often I come across another healer but then again a healer's job is rather difficult in its own right depending on the wound or illness" he chuckled a little as he thought about what he should have been doing which was gathering herbs to use in case his mate and the adopted pup obtained injuries or were ill he'd be able to treat them.

Like he always was though, Aoto had to introduce himself as for him it was rather mandatory he at least introduced himself to those who were strangers to him "I must apologize, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Aoto... a traveling healer at your service" he spoke gently as he bowed to the stranger.