
One Lost, is now Found.



09-18-2014, 09:01 PM

A great weight had been lifted from the girl's shoulder, and now that they had been reunited with their father the girl just wanted to tackle the man in a field and try to regain the lost time that had passed while they had all been separated. For now however she would have to keep herself together and controlled, calm so that she could enjoy these precious moments with her family. Lips pulled back in a grin when her father and Cyril had laughed, enjoying every second of their embrace, happy to be with her father and uncle once again. Now they were just one short of being a complete family.

Now Ryker spoke up, agreeing with his sibling. Resnera smiled at her sibling, dropping down to all four and taking a step back so that her brother could also embrace their father as well as their mother. The boy spoke of how Thane was their father and that he would want no other to take that title, he missed the man, all of them. No blame or accusations would come from Ryker, he wanted their father to look at the man he had become thanks to him, wanted him to be proud then went up for a nuzzle before pulling away to smile as well. The look Thane gave his children was enough to confirm what the boy had said, he was proud of not only Ryker, but Resnera as well, happy to see what fine young adults they had become.

Up next was their mother now, nuzzling the man before speaking her own thoughts now. Just like their children, she had agreed that nothing was wrong with him, that he should never say such things about himself ever again and that he was and always would be a great father and husband. But then the atmosphere would grow dark and sad, the look in her mother's green gaze letting the family know what was about to be said. To this Resnera had to look away, clenching her jaws as she thought about that day when the family had split farther apart. Ravine, her dear brother, lost within the river they had fallen into. They were powerless, weak, unable to rescue the boy or even find his body afterwards....

The anger and sorrow that had crossed the girl's features would finally fade once her father had spoken up, but she would have trouble trying to put on a smile after images and thoughts of Ravine had flooded her head. Ears perked up to catch every word that left his mouth, giving small nod of her head in agreement. Just because they had not found the boy didn't mean he was dead, perhaps he was just lost while looking for them. That had to be it.

Cyril's voice drew the girl's turquoise gaze towards him, smirking at what he said about how big they had grown. ?At least we grew Uncle Cyril.? She chuckled, a mischievous grin crossing the girl's features as she nipped at his tail feathers.

As soon as the light atmosphere had gone up however, the girl quickly regained herself at the sound of an unfamiliar, strange voice that suddenly appeared. The girl's body would whip around to face the wolf, eyes narrowing and tail held up behind her frame. Bright eyes focused on the light pelted wolf briefly before going to the rat that sat atop their head and had spoken, asking if they had any food to spare. With the wolf's stomach growling loudly, Resnera lifted her head and kept her gaze on the wolf and rat. ?No, only enough for us.? It had come out a bit colder than the girl had wanted, but it was already too late to try again. The prey she had caught before was for her family, if it was a different time then maybe she would have shared.
