
Dancing With Cinderella


09-18-2014, 09:37 PM

The pups were young yet, though their eyes had opened. His son was so much like his mother, with his black color where her tan would have been. Such an odd boy he was. He seemed to draw the most comfort from Nalyda, which Kar saw little problem in, and instead focused his attention on his two little sweethearts. Mystic was the one who was most of a daddy's girl, and Kar enjoyed spoiling her and her sister alike. He wasn't sure what it was... but Naoise seemed to always have some reason not to stay with them when he wanted to take the children on an outing. At least if Nalyda wasn't there. But for now he passed it off as him being clingy to his mother, and nothing more.

A gentle nudge to Mystic's side would be the father's attempt to wake her. He wasn't bad looking, at least not terribly so. He had a scar over his right eye, but it wasn't overly bad looking. A smile was on his face, his lime green orbs shining with life, happiness. "Come my little princess. There is something I want you to see." The sun was not yet above the horizon, and though he had wished to see the sunrise with her it would not happen today. No... clouds covered the skies, and the wind was a bit stronger than usual. Likely there was a storm in the other parts of Alacritia, but as long as they stayed here he assumed they would be safe.

Kar would glance towards the small bundle, waiting to see if she stirred, and if she did he would exit the den.

Speech, Thought