
What To Do


09-18-2014, 10:12 PM

Serene heard nothing. Her attention was focused solely on the timber-colored wolf before her, on traveling quietly and creepily behind him and tracking the paths he took though there was hardly much tracking to do considering she could still see exactly where it was that he was going. But even the tracking she had thought to do paled in comparison with just being nosy for the sake of it. Really, she was quite an overly friendly girl, a personality trait that more often got her on the wrong side of people who were unwilling to acknowledge her condition, and once again she was doing exactly what she wanted to, regardless of the little figure following her who so desperately wanted to get her attention.

For just a second she turned her head to glance at that little companion of hers who never seemed to tire of following her, as if finally remembering that he was still trailing after her, and that was all it took for the stranger before her to stop and finally turn her way. She backpedaled quickly, hurrying into her own stop, and Rhys's quiet words finally stopped beside her as well, both staring a bit wide-eyed and startled at the male wolf.

Serene, of course, did not comprehend a single word the male spoke, though his acknowledgment was clearly enough. She grinned, her tail wagged, and she practically danced in place on eager paws. Rhys, however, had a much more anxious approach, assuming the situation needed a little diffusing. "I'm sorry, she...she saw you and thought to follow you," he explained with a helpless gesture of his forepaws. "She's a bit headstrong, this girl." Really, it was an understatement, but he did not want to entirely talk bad about her right in front of her either. Even if she could not hear it.

OOC: Super long delay, sorry. x__x;