
I Need The Bugger So I Can See



09-18-2014, 10:22 PM

Inexperienced with fighting, the boy had assumed the man wouldn't change his position once Sal went in for his attack, which was the cause of his surprise when the man had shifted his body to be head to head with the purple tinted male. He kept his eyes narrowed and ears back while he made his attack, not wanting his eyes to be poked by fangs or ears torn by fangs should the grey man go for them. Muscles along his body tensed up at the realization of incoming blows, tail try to stay leveled with his spine, and legs evenly distributed beneath his frame.

Sal's bite would land as he planned, but not because he was fast enough, there wasn't enough time to think about it though, just had to keep going. With Feanor now head to head with Sal and rushing forward, the young boy's bite would not be aimed towards the back of the man's [feanor] left shoulder, instead it was now directed towards the upper left quadrant of Feanor's chest below the neck. Not only that, but with the rush forward from Feanor, Sal had taken two quick steps back, trying to avoid the momentum if the man tried to use it to shoe Sal backwards. Fangs sunk into flesh, aiming to cause soreness and puncture wounds that man would remember once this was over. And just like his intentions, the boy clamped down as hard as possible and jerked his body backwards, trying to pull and tear the flesh within his grasp.

While making his move, Feanor had managed to hook his forelimbs around the base of Sal's neck, but it wasn't enough to push him down into the ground or knock him off balance. With limbs spread evenly beneath his frame, Sal was able to keep himself standing firmly, toes splayed and digging his claws into the earth with tail out. It was then, when Feanor was making his second attack, a bite to Sal's neck area, the purple tinted boy had swung his rear end quickly to the right. [wasn't stated that Feanor reacted towards it] With this action the bite would miss it's primary target and instead land a blow to the top of Sal's left shoulder, leaving a handful of nasty one and a half centimeter deep puncture wounds. The swing was not just to avoid the main attack, it was to smash into the man's [feanor] left hip as hard as he could while still maintaining his hold on Feanor's upper left chest. Whether it was enough to cause some discomfort and bruising or knocked the man a bit off balance depended on Feanor's next moves, as well as if it broke his forelimbs hold on Sal's neck.

With his swing, Sal had tried to maintain his hold on the grey wolf's upper left chest, head twisting and rolling to the left 90 degrees in an attempt to twist and tear the flesh with his fangs. Once that was done, whether he was successful or not, he would try to pull his skull away, slithering backwards and retracting into his neck. Sal's right hindfoot lifted off the ground and then quckly tried to stomp it down onto the man's left hindpaw's toes, trying to either break or cause some pain to where he would have some trouble standing on it. With his right back paw going for something, his other three limbs tried to keep themselves spread evenly as he then tried to ram his right shoulder into the left side of Feanor's ribs. Simultaniously his neck stretched out, jaws parting and lunging up to spine level then downwards in an attempt to latch onto the man's spine, but not for permanent damage to the column, just to cause some puncture wounds should they land and soreness.