
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]


09-19-2014, 09:36 AM

A sigh would leave Allen as the black furred woman growled at Aiko. It was an understandable reaction, yet still the male felt frustrated she acted this way, insistently, when she was so close to being a year old. She was naive, so terribly naive. He would apologize to the woman later, but for now he would focus his attention on Quelt and pay attention to what needed to be said... And there was a lot to be said. Things started with a rather long speech that Quelt needed to give them about ranks but it was necessary. He had forgotten how much information was poured into a pack. But he would grow used to it again.

They had allies too, in Bevroren, Abaven, and Etheral. He knew of one of them, and knew Bevroren was their neighbor, but he had not heard of the last pack. Perhaps he?d ask Quelt about them at a later time. For now he was quiet, letting others speak up to voice their questions. He would glance at Mariposa, the black furred woman, raising a brow. The only wolf experienced enough in battle? The young lady needed to choose her words more carefully. Clearly Quelt was, and he figured Irune would know. He too knew of battling ways, and it was likely Quelt?s siblings would too. But Allen was not one to get angry over such small things, and instead his gaze would flick to Quelt to see how he would handle things.
