
Cheshire Country


05-16-2013, 10:16 AM

This dame had no confidence in herself.Fenris sat down and listened to the dame speak, he did not say anything until she finished speaking. He was intreaged with this female, and frankly he liked her. She was different and has an independent mind. She had finished talking and it now was Fenris's turn to speak."frivolous comments you say. Well If you see my comments as such then be it. I shall not make any more like that." He said as he stood up and looked over the dame. Micha surely had a way with words and what not, Fenris could see that she had no confidence in with herself.

He stood there and thought as how to reply to her next statement."you say that their is nothing to protect you from keeping out of harms way. That is preposterous, you mentioned speed right. So use that for not only attack but defense also. Like i said all you need to do is learn to use your strengths to your advantage." He spoke as he thought as to what could have happened to her to make her think so little of herself.

The last part she mentioned hunting is not her forte, but that dose not mean she is utterly bad at it.His ears swiveled as he listened to her talk, she was something else and he wanted to help her anyway he can. "Fighting is great to be strong in, but no one is utterly bad at hunting. Like i said it takes to know your own strengths and weaknesses just as the appoints. Think as it like a fight, both hunting and fighting are basically the same. He spoke
