
Alacritis is expanding... again!



8 Years
09-19-2014, 01:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2014, 06:25 PM by Nalyda.)
Name: Shadow Caves

Description: These caves are mostly as dark as shadows of the night, hens the name of the caves. They are usually filled with spooky noises, some wolves have even said to explore this landmark and not return. It is like a labyrinth full of twists and turns, causing many to get lost in the endless maze. You better know the way around the land or you will be lost in this endless place. Bats usually make their homes here, sometimes making loud noises which cause others to be spooked. Even some say that spirits of deceased wolves that have not made it out of this cave haunt the caves, warning or leading those who enter to, or about their demise.

Name: Broken Beach- A once beautiful land haunted by shadows and apparitions. Deceased have said to wander here and die, but some are brave enough to venture onto this beach and just watch the sunset. Despite the tall tales, this place is also beautiful to behold. The moon goes above the horizon, shining the beach with it's shining glow, almost as if causing the damned to vanish almost like a cleansing. The sunlight also helps, but most of the land is draped in fog, leaving spooky auras in this land. But, it is still pretty despite the name and look in the sunlight.

Name: Cactus Valley- This place, surrounded by desert, and mostly cacti. The desert covered landscape is surrounded by beautiful desert flowers, and wonderful fresh scents. Despite the hot temperatures during the day, and the cold at night, it is a place where you can relax and unwind. Desert deer, lizards, and birds are plentiful here, though the only downside being lack of water and shelter from sandstorms.

Name: The Flower Gardens- The serene and breathtaking atmosphere, surrounded by the beautiful flowers and streams that run across this valley, would surely cause anyone to gawk at the breathtaking imagery. During the spring and summer, this land is something that anyone would take a time out of their day to visit and hunt for food. Deer, elk, and moose are plentiful in this region, as well as many streams and lakes for fish. Pine trees, as well as oak and maple, surround the flowers, almost like a ring as if to keep the flowers safe from opposing threats.

Name: Black Forest- This forest is surrounded by blackness. Fog surrounds the trees and other parts of the land, having an ominous feeling about it. The trees and leaves are moved in such a way, that almost no light goes through the forests, perfect for evil wolves or packs that like the dark.