
The youth is naive , wisdom is what we need.


05-16-2013, 10:20 AM

She glided beside Ulrike, she didn't know much about her pack or its members... yet, but she intended to learn. She wanted them to approach her, to seek her out. There would some, she knew, that would take their sweet time but she was glad that some at least had the gall to approach her. She wasn't as heartless as she seemed, or at least she tried not to be. She showed little emotion and her tones did not often change but her words were honest and true. She would never brazenly lie to one of her members. Ulrike spoke once more and she dipped her head in silent thanks.

"I thank you for your willingness, I know this may seem like a lot of changes in a very short period of time, but hopefully they will be for the better." he would stop and so would she, his words would bring a gentle, barely there smile across her maw and she would smile, albeit incredibly small, but a smile never-the-less. "It has been a pleasure to formally meet you Ulrike and it would be honor to attend a hunt with you sometime in the near future... until next time."

-exit Desdemona unless stopped-

(((OOC: This seemed like a good place to end the thread, we can do a hunting thread after the game/tournament if you would like.)))
