
I be Trippin' (Ebony)


09-19-2014, 05:16 PM

His tiny paws, which weren't so tiny anymore since he would be a year old shortly, they shook as he lifted them and gently placed them down. The blind pup was very unsure of being by himself, but he didn't want to just lay somewhere and die. Othello had promised him the search and discovery of his true mother who would take him back so they could go live happily ever after. But the reality of his mother never coming back wouldn't hit him until much later. But Othello misplacing him had already hurt him.

The young boy hadn't eaten in days, maybe even a week at that. Sure he ate grass and whatnot, but who the heck eats grass? He couldn't hunt for himself and was too scared to even find someone and ask them for a bite. Grass made him sick anyway, so if anything it was making him worse.

Through his shaky, blind steps he stumbled and flipped over a small stone and landed on his back on the other side. He would lay there for a moment trying to let the pain of the scratches and crunches he was too scared to even find. He was fine, but he couldn't think of anything but the worst case scenario, that he would stand to his feet and his back bone would fall to pieces.

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