
Flirtin' With Disaster


09-19-2014, 05:25 PM

There was something about Anais' call that had the woman wondering. The dark figure would move through the shadows, heeding the call of her goddaughter, and seeking her out with a single orb. Destruction was, in fact, quite restless lately. Worry for her family, particularly Bane, was rising with Scorpion wishing to claim The Range as a packland. It broke her heart, it did, to know once more they were being uprooted just as they settled. She would have suggested moving to the islands, but she knew that Bane would not make the swim. No... the elder seemed to be going down some. He was reaching his time, and the vision in his remaining eye had not gone unnoticed by the woman.

Worry gnawed at her gut. Like a great beast it roared at her to do something. Anything. To try and help the family. But Destruction knew not what could be done. Bane was the head of the family, and they would, when the time came, be moving. But... the woman felt like there was something she should have been able to do. Something she had to do. Yet... here she was, unable to do a damned thing. But something seemed... off. Perhaps the woman was reacting out of paranoia. But when she approached Anais the girl seemed a bit nervous. The reason why had to be the young man next to her. The woman would stop, single orb focusing on him as she raised a brow.

"Who might this be, Anais?" There was no reason to jump to conclusions just yet. She would give the young male a chance. Plus, with Bane and the boys there, it made here feel a lot better about the presence of the strange young man.