
It's Time To Begin, Isn't It?



5 Years
09-19-2014, 05:48 PM

Something had shifted. It was infantismal, and yet... There it was. Raisa was ever so slowly becoming Raisa once more. Her memories were foggy at best. They still pained her a great deal, more so at night and within her dreams where she could not escape. There had been so much blood and death, and her children... She had had pups! That revelation had been so terrible it nearly threw her back into the spiral she had just so narrowly climbed out of. Oh, what in the gods name had she done? The sin was too great to ignore or deny, and even if she had a lifetime she could never be forgiven. She had lost three nights of sleep, three days with no food and only drinking what Koros could bring her in moss. It was a crushing reality. Her failure had been so immense... Koros had tried all he could to raise her spirits. He seemed so overjoyed to see a knowing light in her eyes, that she wondered if he had any idea what she felt inside. She could not voice it to him, she should not even bring herself to say it out loud to herself.

She had tried once, but the words would not come. They were lodged in her throat, something no sound could make it's way past. The kids... and Virgil. Oh, sweet Virgil. She had hoped for so much for them... Where was the golden goddess now? The thought of living without her children or her love was almost enough to turn Raisa's sanity against her. She would be capable of taking her own life, if she chose it. She knew what it would take. She could bash her head against a rock, she could fling herself from a clifftop. She deserved nothing but the lowest pit of hell, and even so... She hoped. Could there ever be redemption for a Queen who had let her kingdom fall? Who had built it up and burned it down? She leveled Koros with a gaze brimming with such a crushing sadness... He could not help but allow his eyes to well with tears. It was too much to bear. She craved oblivion again, but it would not come.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!