
I thought you were dead...


05-16-2013, 10:29 AM

Oxia smiled at his sister as she spoke their names. The name Iniko and she begun to say his niece's name but then she stooped for some reason. This confused Oxia just a bit, did his sister forget her own daughter's name what is going on here. He was about to speak when Gargoyle spoke and came closer to them. He spoke as if he was not meant to be here, this was strange, his chief was acting a bit strange around them. Oxia did not think anything of it, he only knew Gargoyle as he is now and the events that are about to unfold will change his view of his chief completely.

"Hello Gargoyle, yes just a simple reunion. So her pup ran up to you're wife, and that is how you met. Well i am glad that it happened, i have my sister back now." He turned to Sperare "So sister have you joined Glaciem? Or thought of it at all." he said as he looked from his sister then back to Gargoyle.

Oxia smiled at him "Thanks for helping her out, but she mentioned only one pup running up to your wife. But she mentioned two. What happened to my niece?" He spoke as he stood there waiting for answers. Oxia needed to know what was going on, he was left in the dark at this point in time and he did not like this one bit.
