
Thrown Back and Forth


09-19-2014, 08:31 PM

Destruction couldn't help but let out a soft laugh of her own. An older and much wiser wolf... there was a part of her that hoped to be that some day. Though certainly not for this gentleman here, who had to be much closer to her own age. Perhaps even a bit older, though Des didn't think such. Imagining him as a child was hard, but they were all children at one point after all. The black furred woman's good eye would shine some. Ah how light the conversation seemed to become with that. The joke was needed to lift the mood, and when he spoke again there was definitely hope within his words.

She would frown some. By how he spoke of his mate... had she passed? He did not hold the scent of a woman on his coat, at least not so strongly as to suggest a mated pair. She would take another bite herself, slowly chewing, her mind working over thoughts. At his offer though she would give a nod, her smile would return. "I would like that, Deviant. It's perhaps a bit ironic, but I too stay with my family. We stay in the old Seracian lands, if you know them. You're more than welcome to visit us as well. I'm sure the youngest would enjoy the company of another." She would then pause, glancing in that direction. "They are good wolves... but... I sometimes feel distanced from them." She would shake her head. "So what territory exactly are you and your friends staying in?" Gaze would turn back to him now, trying to push the other subject away before it was dwelt on.